Discovery Tourism

Food and wine tours

Taste some wine in Cassis or some sea urchins in Carry (when in season), savour a delicious bouillabaisse (and not just anywhere) and enjoy tours and tastings at regional wineries.

Taste some wine in Cassis or some sea urchins in Carry (when in season), savour a delicious bouillabaisse (and not just anywhere) and enjoy tours and tastings at regional wineries (Château Virant, Château Calissanne, Château Lacoste, Domaine du Paternel, La Dona, Ferme Blanche, Bodin, etc.) around Marseille and in Châteauneuf-du-Pape.

Contact us

    Nous contacter


      Nom : Access Provence SAS
      Adresse : 71 Rue Roger Brun 13005 Marseille
      Tel : +33 607 583 444
      Capital : 2500€
      Immatriculation : R.C.S Marseille
      Siret : 844 258 699 00017
      TVA : FR88844258699

      Directeur de publication : Guy Karaghiosian

      Coordonnées de l’hébergeur :